Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tea in the Sahara

Ok, now I know what that Police song is about. The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles is a wonderful post-war novel set in French North Africa. The protagonists are a small band of American travelers. It can be argued that the characters are searching for meaning or inner peace. Some may see this as an existential or even nihilistic novel, devoid of any quest or sense of purpose. What I love about this novel is that it is all of these things: Romantic love story, travelogue, action/adventure, political drama, comedy of manners. The best novels are never about one thing. The writer has a lot to say about Europeans colonials in the wake of WWII. The relationships among the Americans, the Europeans and the "natives" in this book are well observed. I don't want reveal much (or anything) about the plot because one of the true pleasures of this book is not knowing too much. The only other thing I will say is that it starts off a bit slowly, but there is a payoff if you stick with it. And yes, the title of the Police song is explained in the novel.

1 comment:

  1. I loved that book. I felt like it really captured the mystery of the land. It was a beautiful novel. Lee
