Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What I Am Reading Now

I mentioned before that I usually have multiple books going on at once. I can't help it. It is not my style to read one book at a time. I have the book that I read on the train (just finished The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke and I just started From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne). There is the book I am reading in my comfy chair in the bedroom - Lincoln by David Donald Herbert. This choice was inspired by seeing the Spielberg movie, but is not the book that the film is based on. Also, I started reading the Hobbit around the time that that movie came out, but it's been sitting in my living room largely unread. It's cold in my living room, so this may contribute to my pokey attitude towards Tolkien. When I find myself somewhere without a book, I pull out my IPhone and read The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. I am not a huge fan of e-reading. I prefer the tactile quality of a paper book. However, the e-book is fine in a pinch. So, I am in the middle of four books. I bet there are people that are in the middle of many more. Please share the titles that you are juggling. I would love to hear from you.